Star Wars: Battlefront’s Death Star DLC is out — watch us play

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game gets stress tests

Why ‘there’s a chatbot for that’ is now a thing

Pogoplug unlimited cloud storage service is shutting down on September 28

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan announce $3 billion initiative to ‘cure all diseases’

Blizzard is phasing out the ‘Battle.net’ name

Waze launches Bluetooth beacons to circumvent GPS blackspots in tunnels

Threewave: Valve’s lost Half-Life multiplayer mod is now playable

Google Now isn’t dead, yet

October Xbox Live Games with Gold: Super Mega Baseball, MX vs. ATV: Reflex, and more

Sonic Mania collector’s edition gets hilarious video teaser

Apple is reportedly interested in British supercar maker McLaren

Weebly’s online platform adds email marketing

EarDial protects you from hearing loss at thunderous concerts

Google enlists YouTube stars for U.S. voting campaign

How Call of Duty developer moved from studio chief to a fan

P2P insurance firm Lemonade launches out of stealth, powered by chatbots, morals, and big bucks

Google’s $400 million Indonesia tax bill is just latest in a growing list of international penalties

How Supercell approaches investing in mobile game developers

Gametime raises $20 million for last-minute sports tickets

Per-mile car insurance firm Metromile has raised $191.5 million since 2014, now underwrites its own policies

Energi Pro backpack lets you charge your devices on the run

Troops raises $7 million for its Salesforce-powered bot

Supercell buys 51% of Badland game developer Frogmind for $7.8 million
linked2pay Adds Real-Time Merchant Approval With Automated Onboarding to Bank Centric Payments

D.light raises $22.5 million to push its solar-powered products into more off-grid communities

Nimble launches version 4.0 to fix customer relationship management’s biggest issue
Nimble Unveils Evolution of CRM – Delivering Nimble 4.0 The Simply Smarter Social Sales & Marketing Platform

Amazon’s Alexa Fund leads $5.6 million round for smart home startup Nucleus

Microsoft raises dividend, plans $40 billion share buyback

Microsoft launches Azure regions in Germany out of preview

5 bots to try this week: Evabot, Fashion Brobot, Event.io, BreakingSports, and American Express

Google launches Allo smart messaging app for Android and iOS

Dropbox now asks for accessibility permission in macOS Sierra, coming to OS X in next few weeks

Survey: US companies are ill-prepared for new EU rules

Finding thrills in Destiny: Rise of Iron by climbing a hidden mountain

Pokémon Go is down: Gyms and PokéStops won’t load

Legion is World of Warcraft’s best expansion ever