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Just wanted to remind everyone of the Halo: Reach Beta screenshot contest for the Bitmob/1UP Field Week. See my original post for all the details. Below is a list of people who offered their gamertags. Friend up with these people and play some Reach between 9pm EST to whenever!


Matt Giguere – Giggy san
Travis McReynolds –  Cojirro
Tom H – 
AJ Minotti – Ajguy (that's me!)

After I go through the screenshots Friday morning, I'll pick a winner among my favorite shots. The winner will receive a random prize from Shoe's Grab Bag Prize Closet 'o Fun!  To win a prize, you have to be registered on Bitmob and live in continental North America or be willing to pay shipping.

Remember, you must tag your screenshots with "BitmobFW" for them to be eligible for a prize. Have fun out there and happy shooting! (See, it's a pun)