This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

Bitmob logoWe love our active community. You dedicate countless hours to provide content for Bitmob. Those submissions have been seen the world over, and combined you’ve racked up several million hits.

Great work — now let’s get even better!

On January 16, we’re rolling out a new weekly writing tips column. Every Sunday, we’ll explain an element about our blog editor, the English language, or coverage of video games. Each tip will be small, but as you incorporate these hints into your writing, you’ll get more out of your time here at Bitmob.

Here’s why:

1. You’ll be able to develop a more professional online presence and encourage return readers…which can mean more earnings. (If you haven’t set up a Google AdSense account for your profile, do so now — you're leaving money on the table otherwise!)

2. The less editing we have to do to your Mobfeed articles, the more likely we are to promote them to the front page of Bitmob.

If you're new to Bitmob and want to contribute, check out our About page. It doesn't hurt, and our community is waiting to read what you have to say.

Our question to you: What do you want help with in terms of writing tips? Post in the comments!