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Bitmob 1.1

Look at the new drop shadow on that logo! We've been working on that for months!

OK, not really. We also worked on a few other things in this site update. Like the sub-nav bar up there, so you can filter the home page (which only contains officially vetted/approved posts) and Mobfeed (where all stories go for everyone to see) by system, and the new "like" button at the bottom of each post, so that you may express your enduring like for things.

We redesigned the Mobfeed and Podcasts pages to look nicer and accommodate more posts per page, and our all-new blog editor not only loads fairly quickly but can also create multipage stories.

One important note about the blog editor — the new "Mobfeed Description" field populates the blurbs on the Mobfeed page, so you may want to edit your recent posts and fill that part out.

All small tweaks, we know; the biggest changes to Bitmob are out of sight and should let us add all the really major features we're working on much more easily. Coming soon: a Profile page that actually lives up to the name….

P.S. Oh, and now you can edit comments!

UPDATE: Check the comments below for more info on specific problems we're ironing out right now (like old articles that have mysteriously turned "unpublished." If you find any issues with the site, please let our tech team know at