Now that Bitmob has been around for a full year, I thought it would be a great time to look back. Bitmob definitely has been a success for me and has allowed me to exercise my writing skills and find a great community that is very supportive. Here is my prompt for you:
Write about your experience at Bitmob after a year (or less if you joined later obviously) and look back at your times at Bitmob. What were your favorite articles, both your own and other peoples'? Do you have any suggestions for Bitmob's future?
The articles should be named in this format: "Year in Review: (your name here)". Tag your articles "Year in Review" so they will be easier to find.
Here is my sample response: Year in Review: Trevor Hinkle
Try write a response by the end of the month and I will compile them into a giant mega-article of community reflections.