The untimely loss of Ryan Davis reveals an industry-wide change

Xbox One: Musing on confusion and get off my lawn

Is the 38 Studios debacle a symptom of unreasonable gamer expectations?

Misogyny and apologists: The Street Fighter X Tekken competition that brought despicable behavior to light

Mortal Kombat 9: Bros smashing, and why I grew two thumb callouses.

The not-uncanny side of games: IGN’s article on L. A. Noire

Crysis 2: Language and fleeting illusions of reality and choice.

Duke Nukem Eventually: Disappointment by the numbers

The circumstances to create: Video game development in Canada.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Campaign Review: Great but not good.

Halo: Reach: Campaign Review

Splinter Cell: Conviction Review: Contextual Gameplay

Battle of the multiplayer racers, and I don’t have time for myself: Blur vs. Split Second

Making money is hard, and they should care what I think: Alan Wake or Red Dead?

Mass Effect 2: Transcending what I thought I knew.

Converting a non-beliver: Halo: Reach beta impressions

One more opinion, and the pains we go through for validation.

Sexuality: The public and an industry in perpetual adolescence.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review: One long title deserves another: My review of Infinity Ward’s 2009 blockbuster shooter: Everything that can go wrong, does; or Apathy with a side of indigestion.

Halo 3 ODST: Mistranslation of an interesting premise

Batman Arkham Asylum Review: Exploring two sides of crazy, one riddle at a time.

Mirror’s Edge Review: A fat plumber in sterile dystopia.