Borderlands 2 report card: An article two years in the making

Gaming Bitmob: How to make the front page

Save-file discovery: The lost culture of used cartridges

Xbox SmartGlass might just save the Wii U

6 theories concerning the origins of the elusive Shy Guy

2011 Year in Review: Chase Koeneke Edition

An ode to the best color in gaming

What games can learn from comic books

A Wish List for Fire Emblem 3DS

Bitmob Writing Challenge Collected Works: Stick to the script

Reminder: Bitmob Writing Challenge September 2011

Bitmob Writing Challenge September 2011: Stick to the script

Stick to the Script Example: Boo-Hoo Boss Battle

Four Mario Kart 7 power-ups that should be in the game (and one that shouldn’t)

How should a game journalist be judged?

Super Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS: Who will make the cut?

A Last Hurrah for the DS: Monster Tale

Why game music matters

Gaming growing pains: Puberty

One and done: Does David Cage have a point?

Why I’m not buying OnLive

Exploring the Lifespan of a Review Score

Costume Quest: Turning Candy Corn into Milk Duds

Concept Album: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Why Fighting Games DON’T Suck: A Counterpoint

The (Eventual) Death of the JRPG

Bored with Bowser

Crackdown 2 and Just Cause 2: The New Trends in Demos

Know Your Role: GLaDOS, Turrets, Ratman, and the Weighted Companion Cube

Community Call Out — Taking the Plunge: Your First Bitmob Article

Four Red Dead Redemption Hunting Stories: The Ones that Didn’t Get Away

Podcasting Dos & Don’ts

Fog of War: Turn-Based RPG’s are Best for Mobile Gaming

Letters to an Absent Father: Pokemon Comics

Field Week Event: WarioWare D.I.Y. Design Contest

If This Won’t Make You Call Your Mom Today, Nothing Will