I got destroyed on a Super Street Fighter IV live stream

Bitmob Writing Challenge: Total Control Collected Works

I’ll face myself: The controls of Persona 4 Arena

Bitmob Writing Challenge: In The Beginning Collected Works

Playing with power: The strongest Street Fighter characters of the last 25 years

Bitmob Writing Challenge (September 2012): Total Control

Persona 4 Arena’s Story Mode needs to trim its word count

Reminder: In the Beginning Bitmob Writing Challenge submissions due August 30th

Street Fighter X Tekken’s new challengers must save the game from itself

Bitmob Writing Challenge: Extra Credit Collected Works

Bitmob Writing Challenge (August 2012): In The Beginning

Bitmob Writing Challenge: Market Value collected works

Bitmob Writing Challenge (July 2012): Extra Credit

Indie fighting game Divekick exposed me as a fraud

Divekick is a modest proposal for the fighting-game genre

Bitmob Writing Challenge (June 2012): Market Value

Bitmob Writing Challenge: Cartoon Opinion collected works

The United Front: Tag-team assists in Skullgirls and Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Bitmob Writing Challenge: Cartoon Opinion (deadline extended, new examples)

Bitmob Writing Challenge (April 2012): Cartoon Opinion

Bitmob Writing Challenge: The World That Games Built collected works

Street Fighter X Tekken opens the Pandora’s Box of DLC with its Gem System

Bitmob Writing Challenge (March 2012): The World That Games Built

Bitmob Writing Challenge: Coins and Sense Collected Works

Viewtiful Joe gives players a reason to hunt down collectables

Bitmob Writing Challenge: Gaming Criticism collected works

Bitmob Writing Challenge February 2012: Coins and Sense

‘What buttons do I press?’ Soul Calibur 5’s training mode teaches practical advice for aspiring duelists

Bitmob Writing Challenge January 2012: Gaming Criticism

Signs that you’re a King of Fighters lifer

Working on a dream team in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Sonic Generations races from colorful to realistic and back again

Bitmob Writing Challenge Collected Works: Levels of Shame

Street Fighter X Tekken’s Gem System is a good idea…for a game that isn’t SFXT

Levels of Shame: Mega Man X6

Bitmob Writing Challenge (October 2011): Levels of Shame

Visit beautiful South Town: The home of Fatal Fury!

Meet the Mob: Chris Hoadley