It’s never too late: Games I’m playing for the first time in 2014

How I feel about Amy Hennig’s departure from Naughty Dog

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare review

The Walking Dead: The Game – Season 2, Episode 2: A House Divided review

The future of the BioShock franchise

The Last of Us: Left Behind review

Why was Flappy Bird so popular?

The Walking Dead: The Game – Season 2, Episode 1: All That Remains review

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata: “We haven’t been targeting children enough”

What's Nintendo's next step?

Super Mario 3D World review

The evolution of the PlayStation

Contrast review – A flawed, yet memorable experience

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 1 review

PlayStation 4: First impressions

Attention gamers: Stop fighting and enjoy your consoles

Exploring the deep themes in Beyond: Two Souls

Top 20 games of this console generation

Beyond: Two Souls review

Short and sweet: Does the length of a game matter?

Should children be allowed to play "Mature" games? Let them decide

The 9th console generation: How will it be different?

My favorite female video game characters

Gone Home review

The Last of Us in Survivor mode: The only way to play

It’s not a race: Slow down and enjoy your games

How Microsoft’s ID@Xbox program could change the indie game experience

More gamers respond to Microsoft’s ever-changing Xbox One policies

Three gamers respond to Microsoft's ever-changing Xbox One policies

Exploring different career paths in the gaming industry

Keeping handhelds alive in a world of mobile

The state of online multiplayer needs to improve

A broke gamer’s guide to saving money

“Well, it was good when I was a kid…” How nostalgia affects our opinions of games

A letter to Nintendo

Nintendo needs to properly support its Wii U game console

The Walking Dead: 400 Days is a filling appetizer for Season 2

Survival horror is making a big comeback