Good controls for video games can go a long way

The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition Review

Spelunky is as Devious as it is Addicting

Spike in a Rail Turns a Good Game, Into a Great One

Meet the Mob: Joseph Jordan

Whats Up with Wii U Nintendo?

More games should embrace user-generated content

Minecraft for Xbox 360 mines its way into my heart

Ludum Dare: 7 Days of Indies

The Next Generation is Approaching

My top 5 favorite Video Game Soundtracks

Do Japanese games still have a place in the West?

Games I’m playing this Week: Variety is best

Community Discussion: Your favorite video game music

Bioware’s “initiative”

Why I haven’t given up on video game journalism

Review: Mortal Kombat

Are games becoming more then just “games”?

Mobile Game: Triple Town Review

The melody that is video game music

Achievement Completion: Bastion