Why the 3DS is Nintendo's portable nostalgia machine

Wii U indie title Temple of Yog offers old school challenge and charm

Grammy nominated composer Austin Wintory facing a possible $50,000 fine for his work on The Banner Saga

Growing up: Why I gravitate to games with child protagonists

No online multiplayer? No problem.

Namco makes up for Ni No Kuni preorder nightmare with free guides

We need to stop misrepresenting minorities in video games

Namco Bandai’s Ni No Kuni pre-order fail

It’s time we consider video games as ‘experiences,’ not mere products

Jonathan Blow discusses the spiritual side of game development

The music industry took too long to recognize game music as worthy of the Grammy

Saying farewell to the PlayStation 2 (2000-2012)

The Buddhist teaches players that goals aren’t always necessary

Video games, violence, and religious identity

Defending Papo & Yo, my personal Game of the Year

Nobuo Uematsu: the man who made me care about game music