Asura’s Wrath is refreshingly linear

Resident Evil Revelations: Murky plot, satisfying action

Year of the Zombie: Resident Evil in 2012

How to shake up the Call of Duty franchise

Why isn’t Frank West good enough for gamers?

Interview: Titan Lunch Retaliation is irreverence at its finest

All the Bad Parts Review: Some parts are good

League of Legends: Freemium done right

Why contextual chat commands are better than voice chat

Mortal Kombat DLC Breakdown: Freddy Krueger

Earth Defense Force 2017 Vs. Insect Armageddon: Who Bashes Bugs Better?

Mortal Kombat DLC Breakdown: Rain

Mortal Kombat DLC Breakdown: Kenshi

An Open Letter to Gearbox Software, Re: Duke Nukem Forever

New sticks and more revealed by Project GiantSword

Mortal Kombat DLC Breakdown: Skarlet

Subscription DLC and the potential for industry growth

Community management and you: An interview with ngmoco’s Jared Rea

PDP Mortal Kombat Fight Stick: Not a Flawless Victory

Portal 2: Worst Game Ever

How to enjoy subpar games

Pac-Man Battle Royale: A different kind of feeding frenzy

Separate but not equal: A look at simplified fighting-game controls

The building bug: Minecraft as an intro to level design

Bitmob’s Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Player Directory

Running a better indie game store: Brian Hughes of Gamedeals

Journal of a newbie game tester: The trouble with working for both sides

The Best and Worst Implementations of Multiplayer Achievements

Journal of a Newbie Game Tester: The Dangers of Taking Your Work Home

Dead Rising 2: Gaining Through Loss

Attention Gamers: It’s OK to Get Hyped

Journal of a Newbie Game Tester: Game Fatigue Is a Myth (So Far)

Bitmob Community Meet-Up Details: PAX 2010

July Bitmob Writing Challenge: Pressing Issue — The Collected Works

Bitmob Community Writing Challenge: Pressing Issue

Bitmob Community Writing Challenge: Fog of War Collected Works

Reminder: Fog of War Entries Due May 31st

Bitmob Community Writing Challenge: Fog of War