Why Resident Evil 6 gives this graduate student chills

Dear Phantoms of Demon’s Souls

The greatest game never played: Robert Coover’s The Universal Baseball Association

A Late Review of Uncharted 2: Indiana Jones Directed by Michael Bay

Isaac Who? The More Interesting Characters in Dead Space

Dracula, Frankenstein, and the T-virus: Resident Evil’s Victorian roots

Gamers in the Hands of an Angry God: Purgatory, Deicide, and Religious Critique in Video Games

Scott Pilgrim Vs. NMHU: Weekly Student Spotlight

Can Tom Bissell’s Extra Lives Bring a New Audience to Video Games?

A Portrait of the Nerd as a Young Man: "Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour"

Gamers in the Hands of an Angry God

“Zombies! In! Space!”–A Very Late Review of “Dead Space”