Shouldn’t there be less secrecy in game development?

Grand Theft Auto: Sacrificing social issues for gameplay

Gone Home (PC) review

The emotional impact of Papers, Please

The length of a game shouldn’t determine its quality

Boss Fights – My Plea to Developers

Evoland’s creative concepts take players through a history of RPGs

A Gamer’s Lament of April Fool’s Day

Tomb Raider charts a course through the dissonance of story and gameplay

Tomb Raider: What Lara’s hair looks like with TressFX

Character design: A small change can make a huge difference

Why backwards compatibility isn’t that important

Tutorials have gone a little overboard

Violent Games and Me

My memories of Halo 2 and the MLG

The Wii U’s Major Problem

Stop Hiding Scenes in the Credits

Halo 4 Review – An Interesting New Direction

Games need to stop with the chosen-one heroes

Metro 2033 proves that difficulty enhances narrative-based games

How Being A Teetotaler Inspired My First Immersive Gaming Moment

Dead Space is the perfect template for a modern survival-horror game

Some of Ubisoft’s PC piracy is its own fault

The Duldrums of an Interminable Gaming Backlog

Binary Domain Review – Third Person Shooting Meets Japanese Craziness

One Circle Pad Is Plenty, Thanks


Commercials in My Video Games? No Thanks.

Personal Attacks Instead of Product Reviews Are Not Alright

Gamer entitlement is becoming a problem

Norman Jayden’s True Addiction

Time to Party Like It’s 19…No, I’m Not Going to Make That Joke

Shadows of the Damned – A Unique Experience

Star Wars: The Old Republic — old-school socializing is a good thing

I Heard A Rumor…

Proprietary storage for consoles is bad for gamers

Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony (yes, it’s a video game…)

Two Personas For the Price of One