On Thursday, September 24th, VB is bringing together an esteemed group of marketing and creative thinkers who have successfully integrated Agile methodology into their teams with phenomenal results. This rare event explores an important trend any in-house creative team, brand marketer, or agency professional should know about. Register now.

Talk to creatives or marketers who haven’t yet integrated agile methodologies into their process and you’ll likely get a strong argument against — how it will only reduce creative ideation and flexibility.

Talk to creatives and marketers who have borrowed agile methodologies from their dev partners and integrated them into their own porcess, and you’ll hear something entirely different. The transition to Agile among marketing and creative teams is sweeping through the industry because it does work so damn well.

David Lesué, Creative Director at Workfront, was fed up with the late nights, weekend work, and things regularly slipping through the cracks. That became a fierce motivator to introduce Agile to his team.

“You have this never-ending sea of projects that are variable,” he says. “Some of them are two days and some of them are two months — and they never really die. So there’s no cadence, and there’s just no satisfaction, because you feel like the work is never done.”

“The problem is that, a lot of times, creative people just kind of wing it,” he continues. “They think they’ll magically be able to get everything done. But they’re not really measuring how long things will take — to see if you really can get something done by Friday when you commit to get it done by Friday.”

Enter Agile: by adopting aspects of agile from his dev team colleagues, Lesué began to see exactly what his team was capable of producing in what kinds of time frames — and was able to chunk down the tasks into separate sprints and iterations that were manageable.

He also experienced an unexpected outcome: a boost in morale and a huge drop in burn-out in his team of designers, illustrators, and video specialists.

“I now have no retention problem which is really rare for creative services,” says Lesué. “And it’s not like we’re not doing a lot of work, we’re doing a ton of work. But because it’s manageable, and because people know that in any given week they’re not being signed up to do more than is humanly possible to do, they’re able to go home on time which makes them less likely to burn out and quit.”

So how do you get the magic of Agile working for your team? At VB’s Agile Marketing Roadshow in San Francisco on September 24th, you’ll hear from a number of creative and marketing converts (including Lesué ) who will share their real-world experiences, successes, and even mistakes in embracing Agile for their teams. You’ll hear how they now get more done at a great velocity, have improved their planning, reduced churn, and can respond to marketplace changes and customer sentiment with amazing flexibility.

Here are top 5 takeaways you’ll get at this rare event:

  1. The future of marketing and how agile marketing can help you adapt
  2. How to integrate Agile practices with your traditional practices
  3. What tools work best with Agile Marketing
  4. How one company achieved a 400 percent increase in productivity after switching to Agile
  5. Step-by-step guidelines for implementing Agile in your organization today

Save your spot today.

Don’t miss out on this chance to meet Agile Marketing experts and get your questions answered.