Adobe offers some of the world’s most powerful design and web tools, but jumping in the deep end can be a daunting task for newcomers. With over 12 years of experience as a certified Adobe instructor, Paul Trani specializes in helping turn amateurs into experts. Now a Creative Cloud Evangelist for Adobe, Trani focuses on spreading the word about the company’s ambitious and controversial Creative Cloud initiative.

VentureBeat reached out to Adobe in hopes of putting together some how-to content for anyone intrigued by the well-known suite of creative apps but was perhaps intimidated by the likes of Photoshop and Illustrator. As Trani explains in the video below, it’s not so scary, and there are many simple ways to start creating amazing photobooks, fixing imperfections in images, or launching that online store you’ve always wanted for your small business.

For slightly more advanced techniques, we’ll be posting another exclusive video next week so you can get an even better idea of what’s possible with Creative Cloud.