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Apple TV coming next week, Apple Music has 6.5M subscribers, says Tim Cook

Reuters / Robert Galbraith

Apple Music now has 6.5 million paying customers, with 8.5 million users on a trial period, according to Apple chief executive Tim Cook, speaking from the WSJDLive technology conference late Monday.

The last number we heard was 11 million users shortly after the launch. (We shared our thoughts after three months with Apple Music here.)

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Cook also confirmed that pre-orders for the new Apple TVs will be available from next Monday, with the devices shipping by the end of next week. He also hinted at more to come on the Apple TV front, calling it just the foundation of an entirely new TV experience.

“The first thing that has to be done when you buy a house is lay the foundation,” Cook said, adding that the current experience of TV for most people is “terrible, broken.”

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