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Box paid out $3.8M in stock to buy MedXT

Image Credit: Box Facebook page

Now the public knows how much cloud file-sharing company Box recently spent to pick up two-man medical-imaging software startup MedXT.

Box paid out new stock shares worth $3.84 million to do the acquisition, according to a document Box filed today with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

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“Beyond this filing, we’re not disclosing the terms of the transaction, but can confirm this Form D is specific to the deal,” a Box spokesman told VentureBeat in an email. It’s unclear if the exit included additional compensation, like bonuses.

The amount might be a nice exit for MedXT’s Cody Ebberson and Reshma Khilnani, a couple of years after the Y Combinator-backed startup began. But Box needs to watch its spending ahead of an initial public offering, whenever that might come. The company has a history of net losses, and it’s in Box’s best interest to keep its finances looking good once it does hit public markets.

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Then again, it’s also smart for Box to bolster its capabilities in health care-related technology. That’s because health care represents one of the top areas of focus for Box. So young startups might be just perfect fodder for this Los Altos, Calif.-based company.

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