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One of gaming’s most outspoken developers has gone back to update one of her best-known releases.

Brianna Wu and her Giant Spacekat studio are gearing up to release Revolution 60: Special Edition for Steam and iOS on September 6. This is an update to the original 2014 iOS release that brings improved visuals and more energetic gameplay. The studio is also promising new content for anyone wanting to play through this upgraded version that Wu claims deliver Revolution 60 “as it was meant to be played.” The Special Edition will go for $13 on Steam and $6 for the iOS app.

Revolution 60 is a sci-fi adventure with a heavy emphasis on storytelling. It features four hours of animation where players help make tough choices about how events should unfold. The consequences of those decisions then lead to 24 different endings. For the Special Edition, Giant Spacekat is polishing and expanding on that core experience.

“When vanilla Revolution 60 was released in 2014, the graphics had to be massively downgraded last-minute,” Wu explained in a statement. “Changes to iOS used much more device memory, leaving our team with only vapors of RAM for textures and light maps. Now that it’s coming to Steam, we’ve completely remastered our lighting, sets, and special effects. This version adds intense cinematic effects like depth of field, lens flare, and light bloom.”

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For the Steam release, Giant Spacekat is also introducing a new side mode that enables players to use their keyboard to type in emotions that relate to the on-screen action. This plays a lot like the the Dreamcast classic Typing of the Dead, which has players shooting zombies by typing on-screen words.

Finally, gamers will get a more in-depth look at the various characters in the game to help flesh out their motivations. The studio did this to help establish a stronger connection between players and the character that many people see as the villain. And when you beat the game, you will get access to a menu that instantly unlocks the other 23 endings.

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