If you’ve ever wanted the freedom to create 3D objects in your own home, look no further than the Bukobot.

The Bukobot is a Kickstarter project for an affordable (starting at $600) open-source 3D printer from Deezmaker. So far, the Bukobot Kickstarter project has raised nearly 400 percent more than the company needed — receiving $167,410 on a goal of $42,000. There’s been a rise in interest in 3D printers as their cost has come down on hobbyist-oriented printers from companies like RepRap and MakerBot.

3D printing (or additive manufacturing) is the process of creating nearly any object by laying down layer after layer of plastic. These gadgets are found in civil engineering, footwear, automotive, and even the medical industry. Porqueras wanted to take the technology, reduce its price, and create something that a regular consumer could afford.

Porqueras promises that the Bukobot (named after his “tough” dog, Buko, who he rescued from the streets), will be the most inexpensive 3D printer on the market to date.

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“Compared to a MakerBot [and other similar companies], my design is a lot more efficient and simplified while still keeping the rigidity of a box,” Porqueras told VentureBeat. “I wanted to think outside the box (literally) for the design because this would allow a lot more flexibility for expansion and modifications to the feature without having to redesign or build a whole new frame.”

Most of Porqueras’ models are under $1,000, which is a deal when compared to MakerBot’s Replicator, which costs nearly $1,800.

“I believe it’s the best balance between price and quality of a home 3D printer. The print quality is equal to or better than most, and its smart design allows there to be a model for almost every need and price point” he said.

Porqueras says just a few upgrade parts may be needed in the future, and they will come with instructions. He will also have a forum along with technical partners to make sure that Bukobots operate accordingly.

“I want to make sure people spend more time printing things rather than tinkering with the printer,” Porqueras said. “I think a good experience is the best selling-point of any product.”

Now he just has to manufacture the printers for all those new customers. Since the success of his Kickstarter project, Porqueras has received between one and two orders a day. To date, he has over 130+orders of Bukobots and another 290 for the Kickstarter backers.

“I’ll be opening up an online store soon (in a week or two hopefully) to start accepting ‘pre-orders’ to be fulfilled after the Kickstarter batch.” He hopes to ship the printers by August.

Photo via DeezMaker.com

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