The CloudBeat 2013 drumroll continues.

Now in its third year, our highly acclaimed enterprise cloud event will track the growing maturity of the sector through two days of case studies, breakout sessions, and exclusive announcements.

Unlike nearly all other cloud events, the customers themselves are front and center. Their discussions with vendors and other experts unearth rare lessons on cloud adoption, providing insights and actionable data on new technologies, what really works, who’s buying what, and where the industry is going.

This year we’ve got brand-new case studies from Netflix, PayPal, General Electric, IBM, Stanford University, and Optimizely, to name a few.

Today we’re announcing leading execs from Emergence Capital Partners, Sanmina, Dark Matter Labs, and SimpleSignal.

See what they’ll be digging into at CloudBeat below, and make sure to grab your tickets!

Screen Shot 2013-08-15 at 12.34.26 PMGordon Ritter, founder and general partner, Emergence Capital Partners
Prior to founding Emergence, Gordon Ritter spent over 15 years founding and building companies that pioneered new markets, including embedded web-based interfaces, server appliances, and “on demand” services for the SMB market and web-native application development. In 2003, he led Emergence Capital’s first investment, which Ten years and what is arguably one successful bet later, he will grill Salesforce chief operating officer George Hu on a variety of topics ranging from compared to Azure and AWS, the pitfalls of cloud integration for companies of all sizes, Salesforce’s vertical strategy, their marketing cloud, and how they approach mobile.

Screen Shot 2013-08-15 at 12.46.49 PMElliot Tally, senior director, IT collaboration and innovation, Sanmina
Sanmina is a leading Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider focused on delivering end-to-end manufacturing solutions. Elliot Tally’s in charge of automating and integrating collaboration across a company of 45,000 that exchanges not only documents and spreadsheets but also CAD files and manufacturing production line applications. He will explain at CloudBeat how Sanmina’s move to Google Docs and apps hasn’t only simplified their management of documents, e-mail, and calendars but also made the entire company much more nimble to deploy and update applications that are mobile, secure, and cheaper to maintain, from design to production to support.

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Jeff MacMillan, CEO, KeyNexus
Jeff MacMillan leads encryption and key management appliances provider Dark Matter Labs, who provides enterprise customers with Hardware Security Modules (HMS) and help reduce the ongoing time, cost, and risk businesses spend on key management by over 90 percent. He will announce at CloudBeat what services their new subsidiary KeyNexus will provide, to help their customers adopt the cloud with the confidence that their data is not only encrypted but also safe.

Screen Shot 2013-08-16 at 11.01.52 AMDave Gilbert, founder and CEO, SimpleSignal
The Jetsons had flying cars and easy video calling. On the whole, we’ve got neither. Big video systems are expensive and installed in special rooms. Consumer-grade solutions like Skype and FaceTime work after a fashion, but these aren’t without their own problems. Dave Gilbert is an enthusiastic proponent of the idea that cost-effective, reliable, and high-quality video communication has finally arrived, and that it’s much more than a gimmick. He joins us at CloudBeat to describe the broader industry shifts that make video relevant today, and shares his insights on the power of selling customers Video as a Service.

Full event details can be found here.

Join 500 executives — with a mix of business and IT decision makers, analysts, investors, marketers, brands/retailers, and press — at the premiere event on enterprise cloud adoption.

Register today. Seats are limited.

Thanks to the following industry leaders for supporting CloudBeat 2013: IBM jStart as Gold Sponsor; Archpoint Partners as Silver Sponsor; CareCloud, Norwest Venture Partners, and Plex Systems as Event Sponsors.