Ilya fushmanWe’re delighted to announce the latest speaker at our CloudBeat 2013 event on Sept. 9-Sept. 10 in San Francisco.

Ilya Fushman, head of product for business and mobile for Dropbox, will be talking about his company’s new Dropbox Platform, just the latest development in its effort to deliver a sound enterprise product.

Fushman also managed the company’s recent Mailbox acquisition.

CloudBeat tracks how the cloud is “growing up” and has moved to a stage where popular applications like cloud-storage company Dropbox are talking with other apps and are being integrated more seamlessly with data and other resources of the enterprise.

The event will feature two days of high-level discussions, customer case studies, breakout sessions, and exclusive announcements.

Last week we announced Pivotal CEO Paul Maritz would be speaking at the event, discussing the company’s Pivotal One product for the first time. We’ll also have Netflix talking about their significant use of Amazon and PayPal’s embrace of OpenStack.

Dropbox is relevant because of its massive growth. It started with consumers, but it has been creeping into the enterprise. Its consumer offering is already used by individuals at 95 percent of the Fortune 500, the company has said. But it has run into concerns from enterprise IT departments about security, data retention, and access control. Rather than deliver a pure enterprise product (which would kill a lot of the usability that users like), Dropbox is trying to rethink things: to focus on the usability requirements of users and keep driving adoption from employees outside of the official company IT departments.

Moving forward, Dropbox is pushing far harder to offer a platform and an ecosystem for third-party developers. Dropbox’s APIs now enable third parties to access and update files and even to work at the granular level of records inside a database (for example a specific address in your address book, not the whole address book file, for example).

Dropbox’s business offering is pretty new, but it’s already being used by the likes of Kayak and Rockstar Energy Drink.

Stay tuned for more program announcements in the coming days and weeks, and make sure to grab your tickets today! They’re going fast.

Thanks to the following industry leaders who are supporting CloudBeat 2013: IBM jStart as Gold Sponsor; ArchPoint Partners as Silver Sponsor; and CareCloud, Norwest Venture Partners, & Plex Systems as Event Sponsors.