TEST SUBHEAD: © ® ™ é ñ ü ç î ò ! @ #$%^&*()+=?/~`.,:;”‘{[}]|<,>.

  • Bullet One (1)
  • Bullet Two (2)
  • Bullet Three (3)


Phone number should read: 800-227-0845 (instead of 415/986-4422).

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190222005049/en/

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Galina Patil, vice president, product and user experience, Business Wire (Photo: Business Wire)

Galina Patil, vice president, product and user experience, Business Wire (Photo: Business Wire)

The corrected release reads:

TEST – BUSINESS WIRE TEST RELEASE TEST1 © ® ™ É Ñ Ü Ç Î Ò ! @ #$%^&*()+=?/~.,:;"'{[}]|&lt;,&gt;.</b></p><p><i>TEST SUBHEAD: </i>© ® ™ é ñ ü ç î ò ! @ #$%^&amp;*()+=?/~.,:;”‘{[}]|<,>.

  • Bullet One (1)
  • Bullet Two (2)
  • Bullet Three (3)

Lorem ipsum (4) dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vel pulvinar sem, ac faucibus lacus. Duis nec ante quis ligula ultricies sagittis. Donec nunc enim, sagittis nec ex nec, sodales facilisis quam. Mauris pellentesque sed elit sit amet pellentesque. Integer eu condimentum metus, vel faucibus sapien. Donec laoreet tincidunt leo a tempor. Vestibulum blandit dolor libero, sit amet pharetra nulla pretium eu. Sed sed tempor libero, ut auctor dolor. Mauris semper, dui vitae luctus aliquet, ex leo imperdiet ipsum, eu convallis tortor arcu nec justo. Vestibulum id pharetra ex, eu sodales ex. Fusce tristique tempor pharetra. Nunc eu lobortis tortor.

Nunc non libero ligula. Proin justo nisl, laoreet ac imperdiet nec, suscipit vitae nisl. Pellentesque euismod ante ex, nec lacinia nunc condimentum at. Phasellus dapibus mauris justo, ac blandit erat blandit non. Fusce in odio a leo convallis consequat. Sed convallis ligula ut ultricies pharetra. Duis(5) luctus vel felis nec luctus. Nam aliquet ex felis, a vestibulum dui tincidunt quis. Praesent velit ipsum, mollis pretium ornare id, semper eget eros. Aenean facilisis, tellus eget rhoncus commodo, massa ligula iaculis lectus, ac suscipit arcu nisi sit amet nibh. Maecenas vel cursus tellus, a efficitur justo. Sed a dui neque. Sed pulvinar massa non lacus lobortis, ac scelerisque elit fringilla. Cras eget est in odio sodales consequat.

  • Ut ut massa quis arcu faucibus scelerisque.
  • Vivamus venenatis nisl nec sem sollicitudin cursus.
    • Etiam ultrices neque sed posuere ultrices.
    • Nulla sollicitudin nunc ut felis iaculis, non fringilla lacus egestas.
  • Donec iaculis ante non elit ornare, quis vehicula est congue.
    • Maecenas consectetur elit eget malesuada egestas.
    • Nullam gravida libero ac eros vehicula, at luctus sem hendrerit.
    • Fusce vitae ante ac libero mollis rutrum.
  • Fusce ut arcu rhoncus, pretium nibh eget, convallis sem.

“Asperum autem detractis et generibusque, inscientia interiret leniter loqueretur magnitudiném, mus ornaménta sentiunt. Intellegunt oderit pórttitór sensum. Amicitia diceret exercitus quáerimus quoniam,” reprehendunt salutó. “Fugiendum partes persecuti stoicos veterum. Amóris animal concedo dicas, instructus maiores minime mundus, omittantur praesidia própterea scáevolá unde. Adversa anim causae cértaé continens, controversia discenda discordiae epicurus meminerunt, motu nescio sea.” http://www.businesswire.com.

  1. This is item one in a numbered list
  2. This is item two in a numbered list
  3. This is item three in a numbered list

(1) This is Bullet 1

(2) This is Bullet 2

(3) This is Bullet 3

(4) This is Note 4

(5) This is Note 5

INSERT BORDERS IN EXCEL TABLES HERE¨C40C¨C41C¨C42C¨C43C¨C44C¨C45C¨C46C¨C47C¨C48C¨C49C¨C50C¨C51C¨C52C¨C53C¨C54C¨C55C¨C56C¨C57C¨C58C¨C59C¨C60C¨C61C¨C62C¨C63C¨C64C¨C65C¨C66C¨C67C¨C68C¨C69C¨C70C¨C71C¨C72C¨C73C¨C74C¨C75C¨C76C¨C77C

Right Cell Borders in Excel
Left Cell Borders in Excel

Recent Business Highlights:

  • Launch of ThisIsATest Materials Studio® X.0 modeling and simulation environment for chemists, polymer scientists and other materials scientists, with enhancements in quantum mechanics, classical simulation, usability, visualization and collaboration to enable scientists to engineer better performing and more cost-effective materials across a wide range of applications.
    • Acquisition of Ireland-based QWERTEST, a leading global provider of Cloud-based and on-premises enterprise compliance software for regulatory and quality operations in highly regulated industries, for $XX million in cash, extending ThisIsATest’ informatics portfolio with mission-critical, end-to-end document and process management compliance solutions.
      • Received highest rating in XXXXXXX Inc.’s latest laboratory informatics system report, and was the only vendor to receive a “very high” rating in all five phases of new product development concept, research, development, tech transfer and manufacturing. ThisIsATest was among four ofXX ELN vendors to offer a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) solution.
        • Introduction of ThisIsATest Insight offering life scientists an entirely new way to access, visualize and share disparate scientific information in real time.
  • Launch of ThisIsATest Predictive Sciences accelerating drug discovery research with software for investigating and testing hypotheses in silico prior to costly experimentation.

About Big Test

The Big Test Corporation (NYSE: TEST) is a leading provider of financial services.¨C93C¨C94C¨C95C¨C96C¨C97C¨C98C¨C99C¨C100C¨C101C¨C102C¨C103C¨C104C¨C105C¨C106C¨C107C¨C108C¨C109C¨C110C¨C111C¨C112C¨C113C¨C114C¨C115C

THE BIG TEST CORPORATIONConsolidated Statements of Income(In millions, except per share amounts)(Unaudited)
  Three Months Ended
March 31,
Net Revenues    
Interest revenue $1,421  $1,055 
Interest expense (158) (55)
Net interest revenue 1,263  1,000 
Asset management and administration fees 851  823 
Trading revenue 201  192 
Other 83  66 

(1) Includes preferred stock dividends and undistributed earnings and dividends allocated to non-vested restricted stock units.

The Big Test Corporation Monthly Activity Report For March XXXX¨C129C¨C130C¨C131C¨C132C¨C133C¨C134C¨C135C¨C136C¨C137C¨C138C¨C139C¨C140C¨C141C¨C142C¨C143C¨C144C¨C145C¨C146C¨C147C¨C148C¨C149C¨C150C¨C151C¨C152C¨C153C¨C154C¨C155C¨C156C

 XXXX         XXXX  Change
Market Indices (at month end)               
Dow Jones Industrial Average20,663 20,941 21,009 21,350 21,891 21,948 22,405 23,377 24,272 24,719 26,149 25,029 24,103 (4)%17%
Nasdaq Composite5,912 6,048 6,199 6,140 6,348 6,429 6,496 6,728 6,874 6,903 7,411 7,273 7,063 (3)%19%
Standard & Poor’s 5002,363 2,384 2,412 2,423 2,470 2,472 2,519 2,575 2,648 2,674 2,824 2,714 2,641 (3)%12%
Client Assets (in billions of dollars)               
Beginning Client Assets2,895.2 2,922.5 2,948.8 2,995.8 3,040.6 3,099.9 3,122.3 3,181.2 3,256.5 3,318.8 3,361.8 3,480.5 3,328.8   
Net New Assets (1)21.2 2.8 24.0 37.7 15.8 18.0 17.8 35.4 15.7 27.0 11.5 (50.5)20.2 140%(5)%
Net Market Gains (Losses)6.1 23.5 23.0 7.1 43.5 4.4 41.1 39.9 46.6 16.0 107.2 (101.2)(43.6)  
Total Client Assets (at month end)2,922.5 2,948.8 2,995.8 3,040.6 3,099.9 3,122.3 3,181.2 3,256.5 3,318.8 3,361.8 3,480.5 3,328.8 3,305.4 (1)%13%

(1) March, February, and January xxxx include outflows of $X.4 billion, $XX.8 billion, and $X.2 billion. October and June XXXX include inflows of $XX.2 billion and $XX.6 billion, respectively, from certain mutual fund clearing services clients.

(2) Net new assets before significant one-time inflows or outflows, such as acquisitions/divestitures or extraordinary flows (generally greater than $XX billion) relating to a specific client.

(3) Excludes Services.

(4) Periodically, the Company reviews its active account base.

(5) Test One®, certain cash equivalents, bank deposits, and money market fund balances as a percentage of total client assets.

(6) Represents the principal value of client mutual fund transactions handled by Test, including transactions in proprietary funds. Includes institutional funds available only to Investment Managers. Excludes money market fund transactions.

(7) Represents the principal value of client ETF transactions handled by Test, including transactions in proprietary ETFs.

(8) Represents average total interest-earning assets on the Company’s balance sheet.

INSERT WIDE EXCEL TABLE HERE¨C177C¨C178C¨C179C¨C180C¨C181C¨C182C¨C183C¨C184C¨C185C¨C186C¨C187C¨C188C¨C189C¨C190C¨C191C¨C192C¨C193C¨C194C¨C195C¨C196C¨C197C¨C198C¨C199C¨C200C¨C201C¨C202C¨C203C¨C204C¨C205C¨C206C¨C207C¨C208C¨C209C¨C210C¨C211C¨C212C¨C213C¨C214C¨C215C¨C216C¨C217C¨C218C¨C219C¨C220C

The Test Corporation Monthly Activity Report For March xxxx
Market Indices
(at month end)
Dow Jones Industrial Average16,458 16,581 16,717 16,827 16,563 17,098 17,043 17,391 17,828 17,823 17,165 18,133 17,776 (2%)8%
Nasdaq Composite4,199 4,115 4,243 4,408 4,370 4,580 4,493 4,631 4,792 4,736 4,635 4,964 4,901 (1%)17%
Standard & Poor’s 5001,872 1,884 1,924 1,960 1,931 2,003 1,972 2,018 2,068 2,059 1,995 2,105 2,068 (2%)10%
Client Assets
(in billions of dollars)

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190222005049/en/

Business Wire, San Francisco

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