Spurred on by renewed investment in digital health and government health reform, hundreds of startups are now working to address friction points and broken systems within health care.

But only a select number of those startups will find their niche and become vital parts of the system for the long haul. These startups will be the ones that have the best products the clearest vision of where their part of the industry is headed. They’re the ones that empower patients, improve outcomes, manage costs, and reduce waste.

It’s these kinds of companies that we sought out for the Innovation Showcase at HealthBeat 2014.

We’re now thrilled to announce the 10 finalists that will be presenting their companies and solutions to a panel of experts on stage, as well as to the HeatlhBeat audience.

The Finalists

Big Health focuses on empowering patients to change and control their health through tracked data and cognitive behavioral techniques. The company’s first product, Sleepio, uses tracked data via web and mobile to develop behavioral programs for patients with long-term sleep issues.

Bright.md has developed a software platform that connects doctors and patients, speeding up diagnosis and treatment, and cutting the cost of health care visits.

Doctor on Demand is a next-generation video telemedicine company, offering people on-demand and scheduled video visits with licensed providers.

Hygeia Health This startup has designed an outpatient kiosk from the ground up to help clinicians capture comprehensive vitals quickly and accurately, reducing time, resources, and transcription error while at the same time increasing profitability.

Infermedica offers an artificial intelligence health assessment tool for clinics and hospitals. The tool can be used to prescreen patients, and to help providers arrive at diagnoses in less time.

Omicia helps researchers and clinicians understand, interpret, and report on DNA sequencing data. By accelerating understanding of the genetic basis of disease, Omicia hopes to unlock the potential of individualized medicine.

QPID Health QPID Health’s clinical intelligence software automatically delivers relevant patient information from electronic health records and other data sources into clinical and administrative workflows.

RxMatch is a medical social network that allows users to be matched with others who share their diagnosis and medical condition.

Syapse Software enables academic and community health care providers to integrate complex genomic and clinical data to provide clinicians with actionable insights.

Zephyr offers a cloud-based platform for end-to-end patient monitoring using medical-grade wearables.

Specifically, we asked these questions when considering each one:

  • Is the company disruptive in the health sector sector?
  • Do they have an app or technology that can impact the health of people in a big way?
  • Have they developed technology that provides insights into health data not seen before?

We found many amazing contenders, and it was no easy job narrowing down the list.

Each of the 10 will have six minutes to present live on HealthBeat’s main stage. The panel will be comprised of three leaders in health care investment, so you expect some very frank (and entertaining) back-and-forth between them and the finalists.

Join us at HealthBeat’s main stage on Oct. 28 for this whirlwind live tour of the innovators who are changing the face of health care.