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Duolingo expands beyond language learning with launch of memorization app Tinycards

Duolingo's new app, Tinycards

Image Credit: VentureBeat

Duolingo, the language learning company founded by reCAPTCHA creator Luis von Ahn, no longer just wants to teach you a new language. With a new memorization app called Tinycards, the company aims to help you learn about maps, history, and science, too.

Tinycards launches today on iOS, and (as the name suggests) it’s a flash card app.

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Memorization tools are a dime a dozen in the App Store, but Tinycards’ built-in learning packs and painfully cute animations may help the service stand out a bit. Duolingo, winking to ensure sarcasm, says its goal is to “make flashcards great again ;) .”

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Tinycards doesn’t force you to use its memorization tools in any specific way; you can use the service to create your own cards, and Duolingo fans can use the service exclusively for language learning. However, the company requires new users to follow multiple topics in order to sign up. You will end up seeing a wide range of content inside the app at first, but if that bothers you, you can always unfollow topics later.

Duolingo has made its mark as a language learning tool, but after using the service for hours on end, I’ve found it excels as a textbook replacement more than anything else. Thus, launching a memorization app makes sense — Duolingo’s users already flock to memorization services like Quizlet, and now Duolingo has a natural excuse to explore other areas of learning.

You can download the new iOS app for free right here.

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