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EarDial protects you from hearing loss at thunderous concerts

EarDial has modernized the old ear plugs to protect your ears from loudness.

Image Credit: EarDial

In an age of super-loud rock concerts, you need something like EarDial. The makers of EarDial are launching a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign today to raise money for their discreet and comfortable hearing protection.

They can replace foam ear plugs and are especially designed for ear-splitting live music. The EarDial plugs serve as high-fidelity filters that allow you to enjoy music and still chat with friends without messing up the quality of the sound. They’re almost invisible when you put them in your ears, and they come with a compact silver carrying case.

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Above: EarDial comes with a companion app that tells you how many decibels you’re hearing.

Image Credit: EarDial

The earplugs come with a companion mobile app that tells you the level of sound around you and how long you can stay there safely, with or without ear plugs.

“We are on a mission to let people enjoy loud social events, while protecting their hearing,” said Jesús Carrera, founder of EarDial, in an email. Carrera’s company, London-based Bitien, was founded in 2009.

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This is not a trivial issue. The World Health Organization says nearly 40 percent of all teenagers and young adults in middle and high-income countries put themselves at risk of NIHL (Noise Induced Hearing Loss) with damaging volumes in entertainment venues. That’s a lot of people who might permanently damage their ears. Once lost, hearing cannot be restored.

Above: EarDial reduces noise and still lets you hear sounds.

Image Credit: EarDial

But some people won’t wear ear plugs because the plugs look funny, or because they can’t enjoy the same quality of sound while wearing them. The company not only hopes to address these concerns, it will donate 5 percent of its profits to charities like Dangerous Decibels or Action Hearing Loss.

Carrera said, “I started EarDial because one day I came out of a nightclub with my ears ringing so much that it lasted for days. Later, I learned that the ringing means a percentage of my hearing would be lost permanently. From that day, I wanted to protect my hearing in venues, but traditional ‘musician’ earplugs were too bulky and colorful. EarDial is not only for musicians, but also for people listening to music.”

The company has made a working prototype. After the campaign is funded, the prototype will be tested and certified by a specialized laboratory in Germany. After that, the first batch of production will start. EarDial hopes to start shipping in December.

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