Join us for this live webinar on Wednesday, September 16 at 10 a.m. Pacific, 1 p.m. Eastern. Register here for free.

Talk to Josh Rochlin of IBM Silverpop and he’ll tell you — as he will in this webinar tomorrow — that you you need to unlearn everthing you know as a mobile marketer.

“It doesn’t matter anymore to think about mobile in a silo,” he explains. “We used to have the luxury of thinking about what you’re going to message to somebody when they’re mobile, but the reality is, you use your mobile device in your home, on your couch, before you go to bed in your bedroom, and that changes the whole way that marketers need to think about what it means to engage with their customers mobily.”

Rochlin refers to the binary relationship with mobile that marketers have relied on till now — a limited way of thinking about mobile driven by the desire to influence intent when consumers are out in the world. For example, a consumer is within range of your store, so you want to tell them about a sale. But that ignores the multitude of contextual settings it’s critical to be thinking about now.

As it does so many other factors affecting mobile engagement, like the Internet of Things.

“It’s no longer about where my device is, it’s a relationship between my device and the other connected devices around it,” says Rochlin. He gives the example of connected taxis which would display video in front of a consumer based on the history in the device they’re carrying.

“You’re going to start seeing not just new ways of communicating, but new factors that a marketer has to take into account,” Rochlin says. “We’re going to see situations where your connected car knows how much gas is left in the tank and how far you are from the Mobil station — and maybe the lube oil station nearby is going to bid on the right to fill your car. We’re going to see that play out time and time again.”

Living with an Amazon Echo, he has another glimpse of the future (and he advises every marketer to go and spend the $179.99 for the device just to get an idea of the changing dynamics they’re facing.)

“When we say we need coffee — Alexa which is the name of the device — Alexa adds it to our shopping list. At that point, Amazon in this case, now owns that shopping list. What are they going to do with that? Are they now going to use it for their own pantry service? Are they going to now sell that list or links near that list to Kroger, ShopRite, and Pathmark?  And what will the product companies’ play be there? Will Folger’s, Maxwell House, and Starbucks now get involved in a direct-to-consumer play?”

Wearbles, too, are going to demand signfiicant adjustments from marketers. Without the physical real estate, the traditional display opportunties are gone, and as Rochlin asks, “What happens when more and more people are doing glance? How are we going to pay for that content if the old model was all about advertising, and that’s how you used to acquire your customers as a marketer?

All vital questions that, if ignored, will leave marketers behind. Tune into tomorrow’s webinar to engage in a discussion that may challenge what you thought about mobile till now, and give you answers about where you need to be to stay ahead of your competitors.

Don’t miss out!

Register here for free.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • New techniques to enrich the customer experience by understanding and acting on behaviors, preferences, and sentiment
  • How to deliver amazing and integrated mobile experiences at every single touchpoint of your brand
  • The best way to engage your customers in the moment with contextually relevant interactions
  • How to move beyond marketing campaigns to manage the overall experience along the customer journey


John Koetsier, VP of Research, VentureBeat
Josh Rochlin, Mobile Customer Engagement Leader, IBM Silverpop

This webinar is sponsored by IBM Silverpop.