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Facebook reveals 2014’s most discussed topics globally: World Cup, Ebola, ice buckets, and more

Image Credit: Facebook

As we approach the end of 2014, it’s a time when all the big tech firms are taking their annual look back at the year gone by, as we saw with the likes of Bing and Spotify last week.

Today, it’s Facebook’s turn to reveal some of the biggest topical tidbits to hit the platform over the past 12 months.

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Internationall, the World Cup in Brazil was the most “talked about” topic on the social network. That perhaps comes as little surprise, given that Facebook had previously revealed the sporting event was the most talked about event in the platform’s 10-year history.

The World Cup was followed by the Ebola outbreak, the Brazilian elections, Robin Williams, the Ice Bucket Challenge, Conflict in Gaza, Malaysia Airlines, the Super Bowl, Michael Brown/Ferguson, and the Sochi Winter Olympics in terms of conversation drivers.

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Digging down into U.S. data, the general topics discussed were roughly the same, except the Ebola virus outbreak claimed top spot, while the World Cup was in sixth place.

You can peruse the full Facebook Year in Review here, or watch its end-of-year video below.

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