Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of the Final Fantasy series, has been quiet lately. But his company Mistwalker announced today it is teaming up with Silicon Studio, the developer that created the Bravely Default game, on a new title.
Details were sketchy, but the studios released one piece of concept art. Tokyo-based Silicon Studio said the art is from artist Kimihiko Fujisaka. Fujisaka created that artwork more than seven years ago, and it is finally seeing the light of day.
Fans are speculating whether the game is related to a console version of Terra Battle. Mistwalker once promised fans a console version of the mobile game as part of a promotion. Sakaguchi confirmed that the company had started work on a console version of Terra Battle in April 2015. But the companies aren’t releasing more details now.
Mistwalker has been making mobile games recently, though it worked on titles in the past such as Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. More recently, it released Party Wave, Blade Guardian, and Terra Battle for mobile devices. Silicon Studio had a big hit in Bravely Default in 2012, and it has also released role-playing games Bravely Second: End Layer, Grand Sphere, Age of Ishtaria, and Monster Takt.
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