According to Arthur C. Clarke, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” and that is the level at which some of today’s cloud integrators are working.

At VentureBeat’s upcoming CloudBeat event, Sept. 9-10 in San Francisco, you’ll find out how LinkedIn — and other companies — are harnessing cloud tech to provide services that in some cases are “indistinguishable from magic.”

The amount of data generated by today’s large businesses is rivaled only by the speed at which they are expected to act on it. When the information flows instantly to the relevant decision-maker, businesses can react to their customers’ most subtle needs, and more often than not even predict those needs.

The effect, as many consumers have discovered, can be a little spooky: Just how did Facebook know I was interested in Warby Parker glasses? But for enterprises, this kind of magic can help companies close sales and increase revenue.

The cloud enables companies to host their sites, connect and manage customer accounts, run prediction models, host analytics dashboards, and parallelize workflows — so even when serving customers by the millions, their employees miss no opportunity to propose the right offer at the right time.

The difficulty of setting up such a network for the right information to flow to the right person increases exponentially with the size of the business, and it used to take months or even years to implement. That was then. Now that the cloud is growing into a mature ecosystem rich with services and tools, it can be done in mere days.

Case in point: The dashboard recently built by LinkedIn for its sales teams is a little bit like a magic mirror, able to instantly answer any question.

But on the back end, today’s crystal balls and magic mirrors are powered, not by magic, but by nimble APIs and platforms, and are built using fast integration tools.

Andres Bang and Alex Lai of LinkedIn will describe how they empowered LinkedIn’s sales team with an exhaustive view compiling multiple data sources to highlight hot leads in real-time. This dashboard significantly and measurably increased their productivity and results, and best of all, LinkedIn was able to deploy it in days instead of weeks.

LinkedIn utilized technologies from and cloud integrator Dell Boomi to make their dashboard. Scott Holden from Salesforce and Chris McNabb from Dell Boomi will chime in to illustrate how smart cloud architecture and integration dramatically accelerate business decisions — and outcomes.

Come to CloudBeat and find out how the cloud can help make “magical” outcomes for your company, too.

In addition to this session, we’ve got new case studies lined up from PayPal, Netflix, NASA, Pivotal, Disney, General Electric, Google, and IBM, to name a few.

Join 500 executives — with a mix of business and IT decision makers, analysts, investors, marketers, brands/retailers, and press — as we uncover new technologies, what’s working, who’s buying what, and where the industry is going as “the cloud grows up.”

Full event details can be found here, and make sure to register soon. Seats are nearly gone!

Thanks to the following industry leaders for supporting CloudBeat 2013: IBM jStart as Gold Sponsor; Archpoint Partners and Totango as Silver Sponsors; CareCloud, Numecent, Norwest Venture Partners, Plex Systems, Scality, Spice Works, and Xero as Event Sponsors.