Career website Glassdoor today released its report on the “Best Jobs in America for 2017,” increasing the number from 25 last year to 50 this year. Of the top jobs, 14 were in tech, more than in any other industry.

Glassdoor’s list is ordered by a job score the firm gives each position. This score (based on a 5-point scale ranging from 1.0 as very low to 5.0 as very high) is determined by three factors weighted equally: earning potential (median annual base salary), overall job satisfaction rating, and number of current job openings.

Here’s the list of the top 14 U.S. tech jobs for the coming year:

  1. Data Scientist (#1 overall, 4.8 job score)
  2. DevOps Engineer (#2 overall, 4.7 job score)
  3. Data Engineer (#3 overall, 4.7 job score)
  4. Database Administrator (#7 overall, 3.8 job score)
  5. UX Designer (#9 overall, 4.0 job score)
  6. Solutions Architect (#10 overall, 3.7 job score)
  7. Software Engineer (#16 overall, 3.5 job score)
  8. QA Manager (#22 overall, 3.7 job score)
  9. Mobile Developer (#26 overall, 3.7 job score)
  10. Systems Administrator (#27 overall, 3.7 job score)
  11. Technical Account Manager (#29 overall, 3.9 job score)
  12. Product Manager (#32 overall, 3.4 job score)
  13. UI Designer (#43 overall, 4.0 job score)
  14. Business Intelligence Developer (#47 overall, 3.9 job score)

Glassdoor defines a job in tech as requiring “a deep technical skill set or education, such as coding or data analysis skills, among others.” The first six tech jobs placed in the top 10 of the full list this year, compared to five last year. This is also the first time that the top three jobs were all in tech.

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Glassdoor’s report is based on what employees anonymously say about their employer. Job titles were only considered if at least 100 salary reports and at least 100 job satisfaction ratings had been shared by U.S.-based employees over the past year. Job openings per job title (normalized to account for similar titles for the same position) were based on Glassdoor listings.

You can view the full list of 50 best U.S. jobs here.

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