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Google quietly brings Siri-style conversations to Google Now

Google Now Chrome browser

Google Now is getting smarter, more conversational, and more Siri-like.

For the first time, Google has designed Google Now so that it asks users for clarification when their queries are too vague. The update, which is a part of the latest version of Google Search for Android, was first spotted by Ars Technica.

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To use the most obvious use case, if you tell Google Now to send a text message, the app will reply by asking whom you want to send the message to, and then ask for the content of the message.

This is a big turnaround from the previous process, which required users to get the full query right from the get-go.

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In other words, Google Search is getting more contextual and conversational — just like Siri. It’s a subtle shift by itself, but it’s hugely significant to Google’s vision for the future of search —  which is smarter, question-based, and more human.

Right now, the Google Now update is only available for Android, but you can expect it to make it to iOS before long.

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