It’s been two years and four months since Bryan Sivak took over the position of chief technology officer at the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Like most people entering a new leadership role, Sivak entered with big and admirable ideas on innovation for the federal agency. In fact, he has sometimes been referred to as the “entrepreneur-in-residence.”

There are probably few places more in need of tech reform than hulking government bureaucracies like HHS. Sivak had daunting challenges ahead of him. How have things gone for him since taking over?

At one of HealthBeat’s keynote addresses on October 28th, we’ll get to hear directly from Sivak on how his tenure has been to date and the challenges he sees ahead.

Recently, Sivak’s been very vocal about big data and the insights it might generate to the benefit of health care delivery. While speaking at Open DataFest in January, he talked about a new open data execution plan that’s in development through the HHS, which will focus on making more health-related data available to the public.

No question, public access to data is one of the major challenges in health care today. Providers are becoming more committed to patient engagement and are encouraging patients to take more ownership of their own health. Merging public and private records to achieve interoperability is still a dream to many.

Sivak hopes to have a spirited conversation at HealthBeat about a range of health tech challenges, such as being data rich and analysis poor, as well as issues around standards, privacy, and the Food and Drug Administration’s role in the digital and health IT space.

Make sure to get in on this and other inspiring sessions from today’s leaders in health tech at HealthBeat coming October 27-28. Check out the full agenda here and make sure to register to save a spot.