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Here’s how many people check Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram daily (in 2 graphs)

In a decade, social networking has gone from the part-time habit of college kids to a staple of modern life. Pew is out with fresh new statistics on just how many Americans compulsively check the top sites, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

About 70 percent of Americans use social networking sites. Of those, about 70 percent check Facebook daily.

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In the top graph, I did some back-of-the-napkin calculations and redid Pew’s numbers based on the total U.S. population. A little less than half (41 percent) of Americans check Facebook daily. About 7 percent check Twitter daily.

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Interestingly enough, there used to be a big difference in Facebook use among different races, living area, and education. Now, it’s almost all the same. About 70 percent across all the major demographics use Facebook.

In fact, the race, education, and income gaps have virtually disappeared in most major network sites — this is a nice win for social equity.

Readers can check out details of the polls here.

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