Join us for this live webinar on Tuesday, September 22 at 10 a.m. Pacific, 1 p.m. Eastern. Register here for free.
As most marketers know, today’s challenge isn’t pulling enough data — there’s more available than most can use. The challenge is making sense of it all. For Scott Beck, coordinator of Xavier University’s new Master of Science in Customer Analytics program starting this fall, it comes down to storytelling.
“What we’re seeing is that we have plenty of data; it’s a matter of figuring out how to bring the data together to tell the right story,” says Beck. “It’s really hard to let go of those things that have gotten you to where you are today, and instead embrace the technology to help you get that crisper view of what the customer is really trying to tell you just by their behaviour.”
Xavier’s new program will be starting with a group of 25 students who will be working with real-world data provided by a partnership of eight companies located in the Cinncinati area — including Macy’s, Procter and Gamble, Kroger, and 84.51°. With access to this kind of data from Fortune500 companies, Beck’s goal is to produce thought-leaders rather than data-pullers, those that can interpret data to convey actionable insights to business leaders.
“When we think about people and data, there tend to be groups that are really good at mining the data and generating a lot of charts, tables, and graphs,” Beck explains. “And then there are people that are more client-leadership or client-service people who can go through some general highlights of it. But to be able to bring the two together, is really tough.”
Certainly, that’s a frustration shared by many organizations as demonstrated in VB Insight’s recent report, The State of Marketing Analytics. In this essential webinar for marketers, VB Insight analyst Jon Cifuentes will be taking attendees through the most important take-aways of the report, and will be joined by Beck and others to share their experiences and advice on leveraging data in the real world.
Certainly, determining the best tech platforms is important – and Cifuentes will be sharing VB’s findings on the most successful ones. However, for Beck, the specific technology isn’t as important as the talent using it.
“Technology is changing at such a rapid pace that in a lot of respects the technology is moot,” he says. “It’s more a question of, do you really want us to train and deliver people that are adept at levering FAS? Or do you want us to deliver thought leaders and people who can actually tell you what all the data means?”
Join Beck and the rest for an hour that will speed by as fast as tech changes — and boost your understanding of how data can tell you what you really need to know, and how to action it.
Don’t miss out!
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
- The primary objectives for marketing analytics organizations today
- An overview of the massively complex marketing data ecosystem. We counted 800+ vendors in use across 10 key marketing use cases
- The top vendors available for every use case, who’s meeting expectations and who’s lagging
- The types of advanced analysis your marketing organization needs to be investing in now to compete for customer relevance
Jon Cifuentes, VB Insight Analyst
Scott Beck, Master of Science in Customer Analytics, Xavier University
Dmitri Williams, CEO, Ninja Metrics