Invidyo is launching a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign today to raise money for its artificial intelligence-driven child monitoring system.

While there are plenty of baby-monitoring cameras on the market, they generally produce a lot of footage for you to review. But Invidyo is using A.I. to give parents daily highlights when they are away at work and smarter notifications, when necessary.

Boca Raton, Fla.-based Invidyo revealed its namesake product as a solution that uses both face and emotion recognition technology to identify important events in your child’s day. It generates a daily “magic moments clip” and provides smart notifications to working parents via the app. The company is seeking $60,000 on Kickstarter.

The monitoring system also automatically captures snapshots when your child smiles and generates an album of these images. Invidyo never deletes a smile, so parents can cherish those memorable moments for years to come

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“If something important happens during the day – such as your baby crying, a stranger detected in your house, or a change in temperature – you will be immediately notified, so you never need to worry about missing events that need your attention,” said Invidyo cofounder Özgür Deniz Önür, in a statement.

Among Invidyo’s notable features are facial recognition (IDs family members and alerts if there is a stranger), sound analysis and crying detection, two-way communication, auto audio player for remote lullaby playing, night vision, and monitoring of temperature, humidity, and air quality. It also includes a built-in battery so the camera keeps recording for an hour if electricity or internet is cut off.

“Your important moments are stored under bank-level security on our servers,” said Önür. “You can access your recordings anytime, anywhere.”

The campaign runs from June 28 to July 29, 2016, and the estimated ship date for first backers is October 2016. Early Bird Buyers will be able to purchase Invidyo for $99, or half the expected retail price.

Invidyo has seven employees and was started in 2012. The company has raised $400,000, to date.

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