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VB Live

Masters of Mobile Data IV: From hype to reality in 2017 and beyond (VB Live)

Image Credit: Shutterstock

In an industry that reinvents itself every five years, what was once groundbreaking is now table stakes — thanks to the innovators and pioneers at the forefront of the industry. Want to be one of them? Join our latest VB Live event to discuss the future of mobile.

“Mobile” doesn’t just mean access to the internet on the go anymore — it’s a service and a product all on its own. And then pair that with the Internet of Things, with anything and everything capable of supplying mobile experiences, and the definition of mobile has evolved even further.

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Users have evolved too. They’ve gone from passive consumers to become progressively more sophisticated in their expectations and demands — and they’re more than ready to give up their data to ensure that they get the personalized service they want, becoming an active participant in the information ecosystem.

To deliver on the demands of consumers and the promise of mobile, marketers have always leveraged the increasingly advanced analytics platforms to continue to deepen our view into customer behavior — but now we’re set to go even deeper, with the advent of a user experience revolution.

Conversational systems, augmented reality, virtual reality and continuous, contextual user experiences are set to radically change the way people interact with their mobile devices –and in turn, those new customer behaviors will offer an ocean of new types of complex, real-time data to mine.

An example? Advances in AI and machine learning that have resulted in chatbots that enable real-time customer service experiences — a whole new facet of previously siloed customer data that can deliver truly actionable insights in a way that hadn’t been possible until now.

Plus artificial intelligence and machine learning turns mobile customer data into a crystal ball. Automated algorithms can dive into the vastly expanded universe of data to uncover hidden insights that can also help you develop the applications, features, and services of the future that user behaviors demand — and help you anticipate the next big thing.

The technology that’s emerging is poised to disrupt the industry in a brand new way, and marketers have to evolve right along with it. So join industry leaders for a lively hour-long discussion on the future of mobile data — and get your real-world questions answered live.

We’ll smash some current myths that are holding your company back and make some big, audacious predictions for the state of mobile business over the next five years — 2017 and beyond.

Don’t miss out!

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Register here for free.

In this VB Live event you’ll:

  • Learn which mobile analytics will matter in the next five years
  • Understand the ways that KPIs monthly active users (MUA) can be interpreted
  • Measure beyond smartphones — including wearables, connected cars and more


  • James Peng, Head of Mobile and Social Acquisition, Match Group
  • Bob Sherwin, VP Direct Marketing, Wayfair
  • Jesse Robbins, CEO, Orion Labs former CEO of Chef
  • Evan Schuman, Moderator, VentureBeat

More speakers to be announced soon.

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