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Microsoft launches its first SharePoint mobile app, but only on iOS for now

SharePoint for IOS

Image Credit: Paul Sawers / VentureBeat

Microsoft has launched its first mobile app for SharePoint, its suite of enterprise-focused team collaboration and content management tools.

Above: iOS SharePoint

Microsoft is touting the new app as the “intranet in your pocket,” as it serves up easy access to SharePoint sites in the cloud or on company servers, and users can add and switch between multiple accounts within the app. They can also view their most frequently visited sites, view / share recent files, and open documents stored in OneDrive. The app also sports a useful search function for finding other people in the company — so you can look at their contact credentials and see what they’re working on — though all search results are filtered down by “sites” and “files” in addition to “people.”

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It’s available only on iOS for now, with a version for Android and Windows devices to follow later. Microsoft first revealed its future plans for SharePoint last month, so today’s launch comes as no surprise. What is surprising is that SharePoint has taken so long to arrive as a native mobile phone app at a time when smartphones are becoming increasingly prevalent across every facet of our lives. However, in an enterprise setting, where PCs still rule the roost, it’s perhaps more understandable that priority wasn’t given to making SharePoint more accessible on phones.

Though this news will no doubt be welcomed with open arms across the business realm, Microsoft says it is merely a “first step” for SharePoint on mobile. “We’ll continue delivering enhancements to the app, such as support of cross-company news and announcements, coming later this year,” the company said.

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