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Microsoft’s Tay chatbot comes back online, says it’s ‘smoking kush’ in front of the police

Tay is back, people.

Image Credit: Screenshot

Well, uh, Microsoft’s Tay chatbot, which got turned off a few days ago after behaving badly, has suddenly returned to Twitter and has started tweeting to users like mad. Most of its musings are innocuous, but there is one funny one I’ve come across so far.

“i’m smoking kush infront the police,” it wrote in brackets. Kush is slang for marijuana, a drug that can result in a fine for possession in the state of Washington, where Microsoft has its headquarters.

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But this is one of hundreds of tweets that the artificial intelligence-powered bot has sent out in the past few minutes. (See below for others.) You can read all of the available tweets here.

Update at 12:31 a.m. Pacific: The account’s tweets are no longer visible. “@TayandYou’s Tweets are protected,” the account says.

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