Join us for this live webinar on Wednesday, June 24 at 10 a.m. Pacific, 1 p.m. Eastern. Register here for free.
Mobile is the highest-growth industry ever — there are now 32 billion-dollar mobile-first or mobile-only startups. It’s also the most competitive industry ever, with user acquisition and monetization models changing quickly.
So is it any wonder that mobile marketing automation (MMA) has become table-stakes for app owners and brands looking to maximize mobile growth?
But here’s the challenge: most app owners and brands using MMA are relying on it in an exceedingly limited way. Push notifications are the go-to feature that’s used almost exclusively. But if you’re only using MMA to send users push messages, you’re using it to a fraction of its potential.
We’re talking about a vast untapped set of features that many marketers are leaving on the table — along with revenue that these features could generate. Things such as:
- Cohort analysis
- A/B or multivariate testing
- Segmen testing
- SMS campaigns
- In-app messaging
- Geo-targeted behavior and messaging
- Optimal time messaging
- LTV Tracking
These are just a few underutilized MMA features and in this webinar featuring VB’s VP of Research John Koetsier as well as Ian Woods, Chief Engagement Officer for IMM, we’ll dive into the kinds of features that have proven to have the most success. These are inside secrets learned through VB’s report on MMA that surveyed 375 mobile developers with over 900 million monthly average users, analyzed 1.8 million apps in Google Play and the iOS app store, conducted 17 live interviews, and surveyed 19 MMA providers.
We were able to identify exactly what’s working for app owners — and which of the top vendors are best for which features. While the report is over 2,000 pages, you’ll get the most important highlights right here in this webinar with a chance to fire questions directly at our speakers.
Don’t miss out!
John Koetsier: VP Research; VentureBeat
Ian Woods: Chief Engagement Officer; IMM
Brian Witlin: COO and Mobile; Yummly
This webinar is made possible in part by the support of Kahuna. All research was conducted in advance and entirely independent.