What keeps 1/3 of Playboy’s registered mobile users coming back every day? Join the superstar CMOs from Playboy, Gamestop, and Tune for a lively roundtable on what it takes to win mobile audience loyalty.

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“Everyone knows Playboy,” says Robin Zucker, SVP of Digital Media Marketing. “Twenty-year-olds know Playboy. But is it still relevant?”

That’s the question that’s taken Playboy from 11 million fans and followers to over 30 million in the past two years. Users are engaging consistently and deeply — and over a third of them are super users, returning to the mobile app every day.

Playboy is arguably one of the most iconic cultural brands in the world. But, says Zucker, just a year and a half into their mobile marketing transformation, they’re still basically a startup, still looking for the best and most relevant ways to reach the audience they know is out there — and 80 percent of that audience is on mobile.

“It’s about fishing where the fish are,” she says. “Our digital evolution wasn’t about being digital, it was about reaching the audience we want to reach in the place they spend their time.”

Facebook and Snapchat do so well, she says, because they deliver an experience that couldn’t be more personal. And that’s the driving force of Playboy’s strategy. “We really strive to create an experience that is differentiated and means something to the consumer,” she says, creating a connection that keeps users coming back.

“It’s art and science,” Zucker says. “It’s really understanding the consumer, what they’re responding to, and looking at that over time. Working closely with the editorial team to make sure they’re producing the right content.”

The science part comes on the analytics side, she says, by investing in the right tools to reconnect with those audiences that they’ve built across these different platforms, both to measure them and communicate with them.

But there’s no rest for the wicked. Optimization is ongoing and their approach is continually refined by applying feedback not only from large-scale analytics, but focusing on a one-to-one scale as consumers move across platforms.

Their current focus is customer journey mapping — understanding how people enter the Playboy experiences, where they go, and most importantly, what they need to get customers to do, so that they can have a better experience.

“The more you can understand the consumer experience path,” she notes, “the more you can create a better and more personalized experience, especially on the app.”

One size doesn’t fit all, she emphasizes, and there’s no such thing as “set it and forget it.” They’re continually testing new analytics tools, working to uncover better metrics and ways to leverage them.

In the end, she says, “It’s all about better tools and better infrastructure, so we can keep refining and improving the experience — and improving our numbers.”

Tune in to our free webinar to learn more about the tools they use, the strategies they’ve uncovered and the way they keep users coming back in record numbers.

Register here for free!

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Five key tips to move the needle in your existing digital strategy
  • How Gamestop and Playboy are staying ahead of the competition
  • Surprisingly simple new ways to engage with mobile customers


  • Robin Zucker, SVP Marketing, Digital Media, Playboy
  • Jason Allen, VP of Digital, Gamestop
  • John Koetsier, Mobile Economist, Tune


  • Wendy Schuchart, Analyst, VentureBeat

This webinar is sponsored by Tune.