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Netflix plans to raise $1 billion through new debt offering


Image Credit: Paul Sawers / VentureBeat

Netflix has announced plans to raise $1 billion via a senior note debt offering, as the video-streaming giant looks to fund new content, along with other “strategic transactions,” according to a company statement. This was increased from $800 million, a figure that was announced earlier the same day, and it says it expects the sale of the notes to conclude on October 27, 2016.

The news comes hot on the heels of a strong quarter for Netflix, which announced it had signed up more than 3.5 million new subscribers between July and September — after garnering less than 1.8 million new sign-ups the previous quarter. The company’s shares have been on the rise over the past month, currently sitting at $127.50 — a fraction below Netflix’s all-time high of $131 from last December.

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The fact of the matter is that Netflix is pushing to differentiate itself from the pack through investing in more original and exclusive content, and that is a costly business. Netflix is no stranger to raising debt — it raised $1 billion in debt back in early 2015 to fund its global growth, and it currently holds $2.4 billion in long-term debt.

The company said that the terms of the debt, including interest rate and maturity date, will be “determined by negotiations between Netflix and the initial purchasers.”

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