Bloggers supply content to Apple-crazy tech sites with a combination of hard-core sleuthing, logical conclusions, and guesswork. Now they have another tool at their disposal: drones.

Just as Apple mania is reaching a fever pitch over the iPhone 6 and “iWatch,” an unknown drone pilot shot video of the future home of Apple’s “spaceship” headquarters.

The anonymous pilot, reports 9to5Mac, took pictures and shot video of the work in progress, which cannot be clearly seen from the ground.

The ginormous new campus was one of the last things Steve Jobs envisioned before his death. He was the one who originally described the building as looking a bit like a spaceship.

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And so far, it does:

apple drone flight two

Here’s the full video:

And here’s what the new headquarters will look like when it’s completed:
A rendering of Sir Norman Foster’s design for Apple’s new headquarters in Cupertino, Calif.

Above: A rendering of Sir Norman Foster’s design for Apple’s new headquarters in Cupertino, Calif.

Image Credit: Apple

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