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The Backed Pack: smart running aids, smart LED bulbs, and a Mac tablet

Each week, our friends at Backerjack bring us updates on some of the most successful gadget crowdfunding campaigns.


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RunScribe is a small portable device that attaches to the back of your shoe via a cradle that works with all different kinds of sneakers. This device is worn during a run and, at the end, automatically uploads its data to your computer. Using its 9-axis kinematic sensor, the product measures 13 points of data including impact G-force, braking G-force, pronation velocity, pace, contact time and foot-strike type. It runs on battery and uses Bluetooth to connect to the iOS and Android app as well as the computer. RunScribe is small and only about the size of pedometer.

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RunScribe has raised over 300% of its goal with support from over 700 backers, with time still left to go. The product offers a service that’s unique to runners. It lives on the foot instead of the wrist or finger to get the data that runners need. In addition, it provides baseline statistics on what other runners are experiencing. All in all, runScribe is an excellent option for runners who want to prevent injury and improve their stride.


LightFreq is a multi-color, energy efficient LED light bulb with built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and HD Audio controlled by a smartphone app. LightFreq gives consumers and business owners the ability to turn lights on, control dimmers, colors, and other unique abilities. For consumers there is a built-in “follow me” feature which will turn lights on and off as you enter and leave the rooms in your house (as long as your smartphone is with you).

The same can be set for audio if you choose to listen to music. You can also turned on different lighting motifs, so that LightFreq chooses a changing color display. You can also control how fast the colors change and match the switch to the beats of your tunes. Similarly, you can set your LightFreq to flash in different colors when you receive a social media notification, text message or phone call. It even works as a morning alarm turning on light, music, or both gradually until you are bopping around in a fresh new day.

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Smart lighting has become a very popular concept in the last few years and LightFreq has been able to capture a lot of interest, quadrupling its $50,000 campaign goal. This lighting system not only has a ton of cool features that make any home more convenient to light, but it also integrates music and communication notifications, making it practical as well. All of these qualities are made even more desirable with LightFreq’s Bluetooth and Wi-Fi integration.

Modbook Pro X

Perhaps one day, Apple will come out with a touchscreen Mac. Until then, the Modbook Pro X is essentially a reconfiguration of the beloved MacBook Pro, turning a versatile laptop into an even more capable tablet that offers the functionality of a dedicated artist’s tablet with a vibrant HD screen that uses mind-boggling high resolution. By tearing apart a MacBook and fitting it into a new case with touch-screen display that offers 2,048 levels of pen sensitivity, the Modbook Pro X gives users the flexibility of a device that can run OS X or Windows; all the apps that any MacBook can run normally; and an easy to use experience tailored to artists and designers.

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Modbook has raised $113,000 and has just under $40,000 left to raise to meet its goal. A Retina display combined with pen controls has never been attempted before, so for some people this will be a kind of dream machine worthy of pinning to a corkboard — a sports car of rigs for work and play.

However, the high price point and requirement of owning a MacBook Pro will keep lower level tech enthusiasts from potentially backing the project.

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