VentureBeat’s digital health conference, HealthBeat, is now in its second year, and going strong. The event is attracting some of the best minds in digital health from the Bay Area and Silicon Valley. Fortunately those places are epicenters for digital health development and investment. Here are some specific reasons to register now before ticket prices go up tomorrow.

1. Every year in people years is like 7 years in health tech

Health tech is moving at breakneck speed. Miss one year of HealthBeat, and you may miss learning about the digital health technology being used to fix the costliest problems in health care delivery today.

From data generated by consumer wearables to the overhaul of our patient records system, there’s lots of upheaval coming in health care. With the knowledge you’ll gain at HealthBeat, you’ll be ready for it.

2. Amazing ideas are hatched when smart people come together

Collaboration is the essence of innovation. Attending HealthBeat gives you the chance to meet people outside your usual sphere who are as passionate as you are about health. Who knows where that chance conversation can lead?

3. You get to see what the cool kids are doing

This year HealthBeat introduces the Innovation Showcase, which features some of the most potentially disruptive companies in digital health. Think Shark Tank meets health care (without the deals).

4. You have your own brilliant ideas to talk up

Where else can you network with the best and brightest in digital health product development and investment all in one place? HealthBeat brings together more than 500 health care executives, investors, IT decision makers, and press.

5. You’ll be able to sprinkle health tech fairy dust when you get back home

By the time you leave HealthBeat, you’ll know more than your colleagues about digital health. Infusions of learning are essential to any organization. When you bring back the knowledge gleaned at HealthBeat, you can re-energize people and spark ideation in your own teams.

Check out the full agenda for HealthBeat 2014 coming October 27th and 28th.  Be sure to register today — ticket prices go up tomorrow at 5 pm.