In 2012, Twitter launched its Certified Program to partner with services and products that could help businesses flourish on Twitter.

Those who become partners under the program are able to “deliver valuable functionality beyond what Twitter offers through its own products, through exemplary usage of Twitter’s APIs and data products.”

If a company becomes a Twitter Certified product partner, they take advantage of Twitter’s data offerings and APIs, have access to Twitter partner engineers, and receive invitations to certain beta programs and other exclusive Twitter activities and events.

The program has now announced the addition of five new partners for 2014. The new companies span Europe and Latin America. Currently, 77% of active Twitter users reside outside the U.S., and Twitter knows that, as usage increases, demand for products that allow businesses to connect with their international audience will increase.

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The five new additions are Conversocial, SocialBro, Unmetric, Socialmetrix, and Talkwalker.

These new partners will help provide brands across the globe with ad management, content curation tools, customer engagement, and measurement and reach, Twitter says.

Conversocial is a cloud business used in contact centers of major retailers, banks, and other brands to manage volumes of questions and complaints they receive through social media accounts. Conversocial is located in New York and London.

SocialBro is a marketing platform for Twitter that provides tools to analyze, engage, and grow a company’s Twitter audience in real time. SocialBro is based in Córdoba, Spain.

Socialmetrix allows brands to understand their consumers’ opinions, sentiments, and day-to-day activities, which lets companies build great social media campaigns. Socialmetrix is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Talkwalker is a tool where brands can search their social media reputation in real time using the search, monitoring, and analytics engine. It’s headquartered in Luxembourg.

Unmetric helps brands establish better social media content. Unmetric currently has offices in San Francisco and Chicago, with its headquarters in New York.

VentureBeat spoke with Unmetric to get its reaction to being included in the program.

Unmetric CEO Lux Narayan said he’s ecstatic about this opportunity from Twitter. He understands, however, that the importance of Twitter goes far beyond acquiring followers and retweets.

“[Twitter success] involves unlocking data to plan creative, meaningful, and engaging content while mapping those efforts to business objectives. All companies today are searching for competitive intelligence to understand what’s working for them and their industry peers across social media. The products selected for the 2014 Twitter Certified Program provide these important insights that help businesses thrive on Twitter. Unmetric is thrilled to be included,” Narayan told VentureBeat via an Unmetric spokesperson.

Unmetric clients include Fleishman Hillard, Under Armour, MRY, Toyota, and other agencies and brands. The platform helps these companies interpret, benchmark, and improve their social media efforts.

Unmetric the online behavior of 18,000 brands segmented across 30 sectors for major social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Any company wanting to be a Twitter Certified Partner has to meet the criteria on Twitter’s requirement page.

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