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Vimeo now lets creators spruce up their profile pages with looping cover videos

New Vimeo Profiles

Image Credit: Vimeo

Vimeo is rolling out a handful of updates to users’ profile pages today, as the company moves to let creators express themselves more creatively.

Overall, profile pages will appear less cluttered, with a focus on videos. Profile pages already let users reveal personal information — such as where they are based — and showcase specific videos they may be particularly proud of. But now all Vimeo users — including those on the free tier — can choose a cover video that loops silently at the top of their profile page. This echoes a similar move made by Facebook last year, when it let its users upload a short looping video as their profile photo, but in Vimeo’s case creators can set a video to loop for any duration they like.

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Above: Vimeo Profile Page

Additionally, users can choose to feature up to 10 videos on their profile page and can determine the order they appear in — up until now, users have only been able to select three featured videos. The company says that it will be introducing more customization options shortly.

Founded out of New York in 2004, Vimeo has been pushing to differentiate itself from competitors such as YouTube by targeting creatives.  Back in 2013, the company launched its own paid on-demand service that lets anyone sell TV shows and movies directly to viewers, and earlier this year, it wooed developers with a new white-listed API program that lets third parties integrate more deeply with Vimeo’s video-streaming platform. And last month, Vimeo rolled out a business-focused product for $599 a year that offers hosting, marketing, and analytics, among other premium features.

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