Facebook brings augmented reality to Messenger bots
Facebook Messenger passes 300,000 bots
Facebook Messenger launches translations by intelligent assistant M
How to watch Facebook’s F8 2018 livestream
Microsoft’s global Innovate.AI competition unearths AI trends
Suki raises $15 million to grow its virtual assistant for doctors
3 reasons AI isn’t ready to replace human sales reps just yet
Another AI weekly test
AI weekly test
Why the airlines need help from AI
Why is this job not handled by a machine yet?
Agent.ai raises $2.7 million to build smart copilot for customer service representatives
Deloitte predicts machine intelligence, not mere AI, as a big trend for 2017
What ‘social artificial intelligence’ means for marketers
Yandex hires Microsoft’s Misha Bilenko to head new machine intelligence and research group
3 common jobs AI will augment or displace
Facebook opens registration for F8 2017 in San Jose
Chorus.ai raises $16 million to further develop AI for sales call analysis
Bringing bots to life with AI
AI is here to save your career, not destroy it
Spotad lands $3.5 million, moves into China with its AI-driven mobile adtech
What we know about Snap’s secretive research arm
Here’s a small victory for autonomous driving in traffic
5 everyday products and services ripe for AI domination
How AI is changing the way we assess vehicle repair
How AI will transform education in 2017
What would the Super Bowl look like with AI referees?
Screw the Turing test — chatbots don’t need to act human
5 ways popular Alexa skills keep users coming back
BotBeat: This week’s top bots news
How to build your own Twitter bot in less than 30 minutes
Facebook now describes action in automatically generated photo descriptions
Machine beats humans for the first time in poker
VB Live
Beyond the gimmick: Implementing effective machine learning (VB Live)
How real investors separate AI hype from reality
Want a more efficient workplace? Look to bots