Human-in-the-loop deep learning will help drive autonomous cars

Facebook open-sources Torchnet to accelerate A.I. research

Twitter buys deep learning startup Magic Pony in live video push

Building the perfect analytics stack: It’s now about choice and customization

Big big data: Microsoft/LinkedIn could be a privacy fiasco, but it doesn’t have to be

The big search upgrade — and how Amazon could beat Google at its own game

Google’s DeepMind A.I. has learned to play a game called ant soccer

You need to be thinking about computer vision

Germany’s Celonis raises $27.5M to help companies be more efficient through process mining

Arable Labs introduces Pulsepod solar-powered farm sensor

Former NASA chief unveils $100 million neural chip maker KnuEdge

VB Live
Secrets of predictive analytics — in plain English (VB Live)

Scientists propose creation of synthetic human genome

Microsoft’s SQL Server 2016 becomes available to everyone

Salesforce acquires enterprise ecommerce platform Demandware in a $2.8 billion deal

Alexa could be the 4th pillar of Amazon, says Jeff Bezos

Do you understand your digital supply chain? (Even pirates understand theirs.)

VB Live
Powering analytics: Why your data hoard and dashboards may be useless (VB Live)

What if a bot could run a country?

Google’s summer plan: To become the OS of your life

Mode adds Python support, changes pricing to $19 per user per month

Paris startup Shift Technology raises $10 million to help insurers fight fraud with artificial intelligence

Google announces the Google Assistant

U.S. Navy’s SPAWAR will pay D-Wave for quantum computer training

Sony invests in artificial intelligence startup Cogitai

Affirm teams with Eventbrite and Expedia to offer monthly payments for events and travel

LinkedIn open-sources Ambry, an object store for media files

The 10 biggest European tech stories this week

Google open-sources SyntaxNet, a natural-language understanding library for TensorFlow

VB Live
Choosing a data warehouse solution: Determine your requirements first (VB Live)

Tesla was just the beginning: Introducing the connected car landscape

Google Translate for Android now offers text translations in any app; iOS version gets offline mode

Facebook open-sources Capture the Flag competition platform to teach developers about cybersecurity

Amazon open-sources its own deep learning software, DSSTNE

Dyn raises $50M to help companies optimize their Internet performance

Groupon sues IBM over location-based patent

Facebook details its company-wide machine learning platform, FBLearner Flow

Groupon offloads Breadcrumb point-of-sale business to Upserve

Former British spy bosses say nation’s exit from EU would pose threat