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 iPhone 3.0

With the Jesus phones software update around the corner users can expect a lot of great new features.  Unfortunately it appears there is one update that isn’t as cool as copy & paste. 3.0 will allow developers to charge downloadable content for their apps. Our good friends over at EA (Jeff Green rocks!) were happy to show off their iPhone port for The Sims 3 and just how they plan on bringing DLC to the game.

Let’s say you want that boss new stereo for your sims freshly blue striped wallpapered living room.  Now not only will your gibberish speaking avatar have to shell out some fake bling, after all why should he have all the fun, but you too get to enjoy the thrill of wasting money.  The good news is that you get off easy, while it will cost your Sim a couple of grand, you only have to pay .99 cents. Thanks EA!

Most games on the iPhone cost about a dollar and now EA is thinking of making a game that will charge a dollar for pixel furniture? Really?

No, I’m not bitter at all…